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[Picture of 1572, 6k JPEG] Rare: 1572


The 1572 is the 'big brother' of the 1571. A prototype was shown on the Summer Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 1985, but as many other Commodore devices, it never made it to the market.
Basically, this drive was two 1571 in one case and was a perfect choice for an easy backup using the BACKUP command like with the old CBM dual drives [1]. As opposed to the 1571, it had 8 kB RAM and 64kB ROM [2]. Jim Brain's Commodore Trivia [3] give an answer why this drive was so ill-fated:
Q $111) At one time, Commodore attempted to manufacture a dual
        drive version of the 1571 called the 1572.  For what
        technical reason did it utimately fail?

A $111) One must remember that the 1571 DOS was a descendant
        of the 1540 DOS, which was in turn a descendant of the
        earlier dual drive IEEE drives. To make the 1572,
        Commodore engineers tried to re-introduce the dual
        drive code that had been removed when Commodore started
        producing single disk drives.  Unfortunately, the
        re-introduction did not ultimately succeed.
If you own that drive or know someone who owns it or have any additional information about it, please mail me!

[1] AFAIR, I've read that it was addressed using 0: and 1:, I have to dig up that magazine or book.
[2] 64'er 8/85, p.9, Chicago im Zeichen der CES
[3] Commodore Trivia Edition #18, Q $111

Updated: January 16th, 1998
Created: January 1997

Site copyright © 1997 by Marc-Jano Knopp
This document is part of MJK's Commodore 64 & LCD Page
Brought back to life by Peter Schepers, Dec 10, 2005 because I really liked this site!