MJK's & Daniel's Commodore

Last update: May 18th 1999
This page contains instructions for tuning and repairing Commodore
8 bit hardware and lots of technical documentation. Don't be afraid
of looking through these pages even if you don't know much about electronics.
The only skill that is required here is soldering. And even if you can't
this is the place to learn about these things (except soldering :-) and to encourage you to get
your old/broken Commodore equipment out of the closet and bring it up to
speed again.
By the way: If you have problems understanding the
technical terms used in these pages, especially if you are less
experienced with electronics, you should have a look at
the 'Glossary'.
General hints and information for working on the C-64
Repairs - currently not maintained
Updated: May 18th, 1999
Created: January 28th, 1997
Status : -
Site copyright © 1997 by Marc-Jano Knopp
This document is part of MJK's Commodore 64 & LCD Page
Brought back to life by Peter Schepers, Dec 10, 2005 because I really liked this site!