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The Red Room
University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
This web page attempts to document some of the history of the Red Room, the former main computer room in the Math and Computer Building, through photos and stories.
The Red Room as it looked in October 1974
The following are a collection of photos taken during the deconstruction of the red room.
If you have any old or new photos of the red room we would love to include them. Please send them to Lisa Tomalty, IST, MC, for scanning and prompt return OR email them to ltomalty@uwaterloo.ca.
*** Recent '2000' Photos ***
Photos taken on January 27th, 2000
Photos taken in early March, 2000
Photos taken on March 21st, 2000
Photos taken on March 27th, 2000
Photos taken on May 31, 2000
Other Cool Photos
Red Room History
Red Room Stories
Red Room Closing Ceremonies
A red room animation donated by our friend, Fred Widall
Historic photos from various sources
More Historic photos, kindly donated by Jim Marshall
Photos taken on April 22nd, 1999
Photos taken on April 29th, 1999
Photos taken on May 5th, 1999
Photos taken on May 21st, 1999
Photos taken on June 7th, 1999
** One Last Look - June 1999 **
Photos taken on June 23rd, 1999 at the closing ceremonies
Photos taken on June 25th, 1999
Photos taken in Early July 1999
Photos taken on July 13th, 1999
Photos taken on July 20th, 1999
Photos taken on July 27th, 1999
Photos taken on July 29th, 1999
Photos taken in Early August 1999
Photos taken on August 16th, 1999
Photos taken on October 6th, 1999
Photos taken on October 19th, 1999
Photos taken on October 27th, 1999
Photos taken on October 29th, 1999
Photos taken on November 10th, 1999
Photos taken on December 8th, 1999
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Maintained by Lisa Tomalty
ltomalty@uwaterloo.ca IST, University of Waterloo. This page was last maintained September 30, 2009.
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