; Commodore 1541 / OC-118 Disk Drive Memory Map ; V1.3 18 Jan 1995 ; Covered in this file: ; 1541 / OC-118 Disk Drive RAM Map ; 1541 / OC-118 Disk Drive I/O Area ; The following text was grabbed from "The anatomy of the 1541" by Lothar Englisch and Norbert Szczepanowski. Additions from "1541 levyasema". Layout of the 2Kb RAM area ========================== ; Commodore 1541 Disk Drive RAM Map ; ; The number in brackets after description is the default value after ; power-up. ; Work queue 0000 Command code for buffer 0 0001 Command code for buffer 1 0002 Command code for buffer 2 0003 Command code for buffer 3 0004 Command code for buffer 4 0005 Command code for buffer 5 (unused) ; *** 0006 - 07 Track and sector for buffer 0 0008 - 09 Track and sector for buffer 1 000a - 0b Track and sector for buffer 2 000c - 0d Track and sector for buffer 3 000e - 0f Track and sector for buffer 4 0010 - 11 Track and sector for buffer 5 (unused) 0012 - 13 Disk ID, drive 0 0014 - 15 Disk ID, drive 1 0016 Header block: ID 0018 Header block: Track 0019 Header block: Sector 001a Header block: Parity 001b Not used (Disk Controller work) 001c Flag for disk change, drive 0 [01] 001d Flag for disk change, drive 1 [01] 001e Flag for write protect sense, drive 0 [01] 001f Flag for write protect sense, drive 1 0020 Drive 0 status (disk and step motor) ; bit 7: Disk drive ready (1 = No, 0 = Yes) ; bit 6: Read/Write head moving (1 = Yes, 0= No) ; bit 5: Motor on (1 = Yes, 0 = No) ; bit 4: Switch off motor (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0021 Drive 1 status (disk and step motor) 0022 Current track for drive 0 0023 Flag for 1541 (0), 1540 (not 0) ; Not used (track for drive 1) 0024 Scratch pad of GCR conversion ; Storage for BIN -> GCR conversions 002e Pointer for temporary storage WORD 0030 Buffer pointer for disk controller WORD ; Pointer: Active buffer 0032 Pointer: *** active track 0033 Pointer: *** active sector 0034 Pointer to last converted byte 0035 Not used (decode error, GCR) 0036 Byte counter for GCR/BIN conversion 0037 Not used (bit counter) 0038 Constant 7, ID mark for start of data block 0039 Constant 8, ID mark for start of block header 003a Parity for data buffer 003b Not directly used 003c Not directly used 003d Motor flag ; Disk drive number, on 1541 always 00 003e Active drive (FF, if not active) 003f Buffer number for disk controller ; Previous work place in queue (0 - 5) 0040 Byte counter for GCR conversion 0041 Number of next work in queue (0 - 5) 0042 Destination track (to move R/W head to) DATA 0043 Number of sectors per track for formatting DATA 0044 Temp. work area; Scratch pad DATA 0045 Work code temp. storage 0046 Not used 0047 Data block ID char, default 07. ; By changing this value, a data block can be written ; with different ID. The value must be less than 10. 0048 Counter for head movement ; Timer: R/W head acceleration 0049 Stack pointer temp. storage [39] 004a Step counter for head transport ; Values 0 - 127 move the head outside and values over ; 128 move towards the centre. 004b ? (Temp. storage) DATA 004c Last read sector DATA 004d Next sector DATA 004e - 4f Pointer to buffer for GCR->BIN conversion WORD 0050 Flag for GCR format (0=BIN, 1=GCR) DATA 0051 Current track number for formatting [FF] DATA 0052 - 55 Storage for 4 BIN bytes for GCR coding DATA 0056 - 5d Storage for 5 GCR bytes DATA 005e Number of steps for head motor accelerating/decl. [04] 005f accelerating/decl. factor [04] 0062 - 63 Pointer to routine for head movement [FA05] WORD 0064 Minimum number of steps [C8] 0065 - 66 UI vector [$EB22] WORD 0067 Flag: NMI 0068 Flag for disk initialisation DATA ; Automatic disk initialisation if ID MISMATCH occurred ; (1 = no, 0 = yes) 0069 Step size for sector division [0A] ; Sector number interleave for SEQ files, default 10 (0A) 006a Number of read attempts [5] DATA 006b - 6c Pointer: Start of Jump table for U commands [FFEA] WORD 006d - 6e Pointer: Start of bitmap [0400] 006f - 70 Pointer to address for M & B commands WORD 0071 Temp. work area 0072 Temp. work area [FF] 0073 Temp. work area 0074 Temp. work area 0075 - 76 Indirect pointer [0100] 0077 Listener address (Device number + $20) [28] 0078 Talker address (Device number + $40) [48] 0079 Flag: Active listener 007a Flag: Active talker 007b ? 007c Flag for ATN from serial bus receiving ; ATN interrupt 007d Flag for ATN on serial bus active 007e Last handled program 007f Drive number (on 1541 always 00) 0080 Current Track number 0081 Current Sector number 0082 Channel number (Logical index) 0083 Secondary address 0084 Original Secondary address [6F] 0085 Current Data byte [3F] 0086 - 8a Temp Results 008b - 8e Work storage for division ; Result, Multiply and divide 008f - 93 ? 0094 - 95 Current buffer pointer WORD ; Pointer: Directory buffer (0204) 0096 ? 0099 - 9a Pointer: Next byte in buffer 0 [0300] 009b - 9c Pointer: Next byte in buffer 1 [0400] 009d - 9e Pointer: Next byte in buffer 2 [0500] 009f - a0 Pointer: Next byte in buffer 3 [0600] 00a1 - a2 Pointer: Next byte in buffer 4 [0700] 00a3 - a4 Pointer: Next byte in command buffer [0200] 00a5 - a6 Pointer: Next byte in error message buffer [02D6] 00a7 - ad Table: Non-active channel numbers for each buffer 00ae - b4 Table: 00b5 - ba Table: Record # low , block # low 00bb - c0 Table: Record # high, block # high 00c1 - c6 Write pointer for REL file ; Table: next record numbers 00c7 - cc Table: Record length for REL file 00cd - d2 Table: Side sectors 00d3 ? 00d4 Pointer in record for REL file 00d5 Side sector number 00d6 Pointer to data block in side sector 00d7 Pointer to record in REL file 00d8 - dc Directory sectors 00dd - e1 Index: Directory 00e2 - e6 Default disk drive [00] 00e7 - eb File type (wild cards, @, closed) 00ec - f1 File type (channel) 00f2 - f7 Channel status 00f8 Flag for EOI 00f9 Current work (Buffer number) 00fa - fe Last used table 00ff Flag: FF = drive 0 not ready (No disk), 00 = ready 0100 Flag: FF = drive 1 not ready (No disk), 00 = ready 0101 Format marker, drive 0 ; DOS version (from track 18 sector 0) 0102 Format marker, drive 1 0103 Not used 0104 - ff Stack area 0146 ? 01ba Buffer for GCR code 0200 - 29 Buffer for command string 022a Command code ;022b - 2d Array: Logical index (LINDX) ; Array of status bytes for each channel (secondary address) ; Possible values: ; FF = inactive ; 81 = opened for writing ; 41 = read/write ; 01 = opened for reading 022b Logical index, channel 0 022c Logical index, channel 1 022d Logical index, channel 2 022e - 43 Last read/written byte for each channel 0244 - 49 Pointer: Last char on channel. ; Points to the last character read/written in buffer. 024a Type of active file 024b String length 024c Temp. channel number (secondary address) 024d Current work with drive number 024e Work area to find the best sector 024f - 50 Buffer allocated 0251 Flag: BAM changed, drive 0 0252 Flag: BAM changed, drive 1 0253 Flag for directory entry found (FF = Not found, 00 = Found) DATA 0254 Flag for directory output 0255 Flag: Waiting for command 0256 ? 0257 Last used buffer 0258 Record length 0259 Track of side sector 025a Sector of side sector 025b - 5f Last work (buffers) 0260 - 65 Directory sector (buffers) 0266 - 6b File's index in directory (buffers) 026c Counter for LED flash ; Error Message 026d Error LED 026e Drive for last program 026f sector for last program 0270 Write LINDX 0271 Read LINDX 0272 - 73 Number of blocks (temp) 0274 Length of input line 0275 Char to interpret 0276 Index: End of filename in command buffer 0277 ? 0278 Number of file names 0279 ? 027a - 7f Pointer table: Filenames 0280 - 84 Track of a file 0285 - 89 Sector of a file 028a Flag: wild cards 028c Number of drive(s ?) to look for 028d Flag: Looking for drive 028e drive with last write/open error, used as default drive 028f Flag: Found in directory 0290 Directory sector 0291 Sector for first available file 0292 Index (in directory) for first available file 0293 For the last directory entry 0 0294 Current buffer-index 0295 Counter: Files 0296 Flag: Name matching wild cards 0297 Active operating mode (R or W) 0298 Flag: Work return 0299 Pointer: Re-read error 029a Total tracks 029b - 9c Pointer: BAM last update 029d - a0 BAM: image sector (drives 0 and 1) 02a1 - b0 BAM image 02b1 - d4 Buffer for directory output 02d5 - f8 Buffer for error message 02f9 Flag: Don't write BAM ; This flag is reset to zero before and after each command 02fa - fb Number of free blocks, low byte for drives 0 ja 1 02fc - fd Number of free blocks, hi byte for drives 0 ja 1 02fe - ff Stepper motor sequence 0300 Buffer 0 0400 Buffer 1 0500 Buffer 2 0600 Buffer 3 0621 - 22 Formatting counter 0700 Buffer 4 07ff End of RAM ******************************************************************** Layout of the I/O Ports (VIA 6522) ================================== VIA 1: 6522, port for serial bus ------------------------------- $1800 PB, port B $1801 PA, port A $1802 CB, data direction port B $1803 CA, data direction port A $1805 Timer PB 7, CB2: ATN IN PB 6,5: Device address preset switches PB 4: ATN acknowledge OUT PB 3: CLOCK OUT PB 2: CLOCK IN PB 1: DATA OUT PB 0: DATA IN VIA 2: 6522, port for motor and read/write head control ------------------------------------------------------ $1C00 PB, control port B $1C01 PA, port A (data to and from read/write head) $1C02 CB, data direction port B $1C03 CA, data direction port A PB 7: SYNC IN PB 6,5: Bit rate D1 and D0 PB 4: WPS - Write Protect Sense (1 = On) PB 3: ACT - LED on drive PB 2: MTR - drive motor PB 0,1: step motor for head movement CA 1: Byte ready CA 2: SOE - Set Overflow Enable for 6502 CA 3: read/write Disk Controller Routines ======================== This table contains the addresses and the assigned buffers: JOB TRACK SECTOR BUFFER 00 06 07 0300-03FF 01 08 09 0400-04FF 02 0A 0B 0500-05FF 03 0C 0D 0600-06FF 04 0E 0F 0700-07FF 05 10 11 -no ram- If a disk controller routine is to be performed in the interrupt, one writes the job code and the track and sector numbers of the block to be processed (if necessary) in the appropriate memory locations. Now the job code can be passed. This job code has a value greater than 127 (the 7th bit is set). In order to wait until the job is finished, only the seventh bit need be tested. If this bit is cleared, the job is completed. The disk controller can perform the following jobs: JOB NAME DESCRIPTION 80 READ Read sector 90 WRITE Write sector A0 VERIFY Verify sector B0 SEEK Find sector C0 BUMP Bump, Find track 1 D0 JUMP Execute program in buffer E0 EXECUTE Execute program, first switch drive on and find track The verify job (A0) is performed automatically after writing a blcok. If the job ends in an error then the memory location with job command code is replaced with and error code. Here is a list of the error numbers: CODE MEANING DOS ERROR MESSAGE 01 Everything OK 00, OK 02 Header block not found 20, READ ERROR 03 SYNC not found 21, READ ERROR 04 Data block not found 22, READ ERROR 05 Checksum error in data block 23, READ ERROR 07 Verify error 25, WRITE ERROR 08 Disk write protected 26, WRITE PROTECT ON 09 Checksum error in header block 27, READ ERROR 0B Id mismatch 29, DISK ID MISMATCH 0F Disk not inserted 74, DRIVE NOT READY Error codes 06 and 0A do not occur on the 1541. ******************************************************************** ; Commodore 1541 / OC-118 Disk Drive ROM Map ; V1.1 18 Jan 1995 ; Note: This Memory map is collected from the 1541 diassembly ; which was made by Peter Weighill. ; ; Data types in headers (for reassembler): ; ; DATA Misc data ; TEXT String terminated with 00 ; WORD Vectors in LO/HI byte pairs ; CHIP I/O Area ; EMPTY ROM containing AA's or FF's ; c000 Unused EMPTY ;c100 File Manager Routines c100 Turn LED on for current drive c118 Turn LED on c123 Clear error flags c12c Prepare for LED flash after error c146 Interpret command from computer c194 Prepare error msg after executing command c1bd Erase input buffer c1c8 Output error msg (track and sector 0) c1d1 Check input line c1e5 Check ':' on input line c1ee Check input line c268 Search character in input buffer c2b3 Check line length c2dc Clear flags for command input c312 Preserve drive number c33c Search for drive number c368 Get drive number c38f Reverse drive number c398 Check given file type c3bd Check given drive number c3ca Verify drive number c440 Flags for drive check DATA c44f Search for file in directory c48b ? c4d8 ? c5ac ? c63d Test and initalise drive c66e Name of file in directory buffer c688 Copy filename to work buffer c6a6 Search for end of name in command c6ce ? c6de ? c7ac Clear Directory Output Buffer c7b7 Create header with disk name c806 Print 'blocks free.' c817 'Blocks free.' DATA c823 Perform [S] - Scratch command c87d Erase file c8b6 Erase dir entry c8c1 Perform [D] - Backup command (Unused) c8c6 Format disk c8f0 Perform [C] - Copy command c9a1 ? c9a7 ? c9d5 ? c9fa ? ca35 ? ca88 Perform [R] - Rename command cacc Check if file present caf8 Perform [M] - Memory command cb20 M-R memory read cb50 M-W memory write cb5c Perform [U] - User command cb84 Open direct access channel, number cc1b Perform [B] - Block/Buffer command cc5d Block commands "AFRWEP" DATA cc63 Block command vectors WORD cc6f Get parameters form block commands ccf2 Decimal values 1, 10, 100 DATA ccf5 B-F block free ccfe ? cd03 B-A block allocate cd36 Read block to buffer cd3c Get byte from buffer cd42 Read block from disk cd56 B-R block read cd5f U1, Block read without changing buffer pointer cd73 B-W block write cd97 U2, Block write without changing buffer pointer cda3 B-E block execute cdbd B-P block pointer cdd2 Open channel cdf2 Check buffer number and open channel ce0e Set pointer for REL file ce2c ? ce6e Divide by 254 ce71 Divide by 120 ced9 Erase work storage cee2 Left shift 3-byte register twice cee5 Left shift 3-byte register once ceed Add 3-byte registers cefa ? cf09 ? cf1e ? cf8c Change buffer cf9b Write data in buffer cff1 Write data byte in buffer d005 Perform [I] - Initalise command d00e Read BAM from disk d042 Load BAM d075 Calculate blocks free d09b ? d0af ? d0c3 Read block d0c7 Write block d0eb Open channel for reading d107 Open channel for writing d125 Check for file type REL d12f Get buffer and channel numbers d137 Get a byte from buffer d156 Get byte and read next block d19d Write byte in buffer and block d1c6 Increment buffer pointer d1d3 Get drive number d1df Find write channel and buffer d1e2 Find read channel and buffer d227 Close channel d25a Free buffer d28e Find buffer d2ba ? d2da ? d307 Close all channels d313 Close all channels of other drives d339 ? d37f Find channel and allocate d39b Get byte for output d44d Read next block d460 Read block d464 Write block d475 Allocate buffer and read block d486 Allocate new block d48d Write dir block d4c8 Set buffer pointer d4da Close internal channel d4e8 Set buffer pointer d4f6 Get byte from buffer d506 Check track and sector numbers d552 Get track and sector numbers for current job d55f Check for vaild track and sector numbers d572 DOS mismatch error d586 Read block d58a Write block d599 Verify execution d5c6 Additional attempts for read errors d676 Move head by half a track d693 Move head one track in or out d6a6 Attempt command execution multiple times d6d0 Transmit param to disk controller d6e4 Enter file in dir d7b4 OPEN command, secondary addr 15 d7c7 -Check '*' Last file d7f3 -Check '$' Directory d815 -Check '#' Channel d8f5 Open a file with overwriting (@) d940 ? d9a0 Open file for reading d9e3 Open file for writing da09 Check file type and control mode da2a Preparation for append da55 Open directory dac0 Close routine db02 Close file db62 Write last block dba5 Directory entry dc46 Read block, allocate buffer dcb6 Reset pointer dcda Construct a new block dd8d Write byte in side-sector block dd95 Manipulate flags dda6 ? ddab Verify command code for writing ddb7 ? ddf1 Write a block of a REL file ddfd Write bytes for following track de0c Get following track and sector numbers de19 Following track for last block de2b buffer pointer to zero de3b Get track and sector de50 Write (?) de57 R de5e W de65 R de6c W de73 R de95 Get following track and sector from buffer dea5 Copy buffer contents dec1 Erase buffer Y ded2 Get side-sector number dedc Set buffer pointer to side-sector dee9 Buffer pointer for side-sector def8 Get side sector and buffer pointer df1b Read side-sector df21 Write side-sector df45 Set buffer pointer in side-sector df4c Calculate number of blocks in a REL file df66 Verify side-sector in buffer df93 Get buffer number df9e ? dfb7 ? dfc2 ? dfd0 Get next record iin REL file e03c Write block and read next block e07c Write a byte in a record e0ab Write byte in REL file e0f3 Fill record with 0s e105 Write buffer number in table e120 Get byte from REL file e1cb Get last side-sector e207 Perform [P] - Position command e2e2 Divide data blocks into records e304 Set pointer to next record e31c Expand side-sector e44e Write side-sector and allocate new e4fc Table of error messages DATA ; (with start and end letters +$80) If value AND $7F less ; than $10 then look up text in pointer table. ; ; Format: Error numbers, Description ; ;e4fc 00, Ok ;e500 20,21,22,23,24,27, Read error ;e50b 52, File too large ;e517 50, Record not present ;e522 51, Overflow in record ;e52f 25,28, Write error ;e533 26, Write protect on ;e540 29, Disk id mismatch ;e546 30,31,32,33,34, Syntax error ;e552 60, Write file open ;e556 63, File exists ;e55f 64, File type mismatch ;e567 65, No block ;e570 66,67, Illegal track or sector ;e589 61, File not open ;e58d 39,62, File not found ;e592 01, Files scratched ;e59f 70, No channel ;e5aa 71, Dir error ;e5af 72, Disk full ;e5b6 73, Cbm dos v2.6 1541 ;e5c8 74, Drive not ready ; e5d5 Indexed words DATA ; Format: Index number Description ; ;e5d5 09 Error ;e5db 0A Write ;e5e1 03 File ;e5e6 04 Open ;e5eb 05 Mismatch ;e5f4 06 Not ;e5f8 07 Found ;e5fe 08 Disk ;e603 0B Record ; e60a Prepare error number and message e645 Print error message into error buffer e680 TALK e688 LISTEN e69b Convert BIN to 2-Ascii (error message buffer) e6ab Convert BCD to 2-Ascii (error message buffer) e6bc Write OK in buffer e6c1 Print error on track 00,00 to error buffer e6c7 Print error on current track to error buffer e706 Write error message string to buffer e754 Get character and in buffer e767 Get a char of the error message e775 Increment pointer e77f Dummy subroutine e780 Check for auto start - removed e7a3 Perform [&] - USR file execute command e84b Generate checksum e853 IRQ routine for serial bus e85b Service the serial bus e909 Send data e99c DATA OUT lo e9a5 DATA OUT hi e9ae CLOCK OUT hi e9b7 CLOCK OUT lo e9c0 Read IEEE port e9c9 Get data byte from bus e9f2 Accept byte with EOI ea2e Accept data from serial bus ea59 Test for ATN ea6e Flash LED for hardware defects, self-test eaa0 Power-up RESET routine ebff Wait loop ec9e Load dir ed23 ? ed59 Transmit dir line ed67 Get byte from buffer ed84 Perform [V] - Validate command edb3 ? ede5 Allocate file blocks in BAM ee0d Perform [N] - New (Format) command eeb7 Create BAM eef4 Write BAM if needed ef3a Set buffer pointer for BAM ef4d Get number of free blocks for dir ef5c Mark block as free ef88 Set flag for BAM changed ef90 Mark block as allocated efcf Erase bit for sector in BAM entry efe9 Powers of 2 DATA eff1 Write BAM after change f005 Erase BAM buffer f011 ? f05b ? f0d1 Crear BAM ? f0df ? f10f Get buffer number for BAM f119 Buffer number for BAM f11e Find and allocate free block f1a9 Find free sector and allocate f1fa Find free sectors in current track f220 Verify number of free blocks in BAM f24b Establish number of sectors per track f258 Dummy subroutine ; ;f259 Disk Controller Routines ; f259 Initialise disk controller f2b0 IRQ routine for disk controller f2f9 Head transport f36e Execute program in buffer f37c Bump, find track 1 (head at stop) f393 Initialise pointer in buffer f3b1 Read block header, verify ID f410 Preserve block header f418 Work Return value 01 (OK) into queue f41b Work Return value 0B (READ ERROR) into queue f41e Work Return value 09 (READ ERROR) into queue f423 Job optimisation f4ca Test command code further f4d1 Read sector f50a Find start of data block f510 Read block header f556 Wait for SYNC f56e Test command code further f575 Write data block to disk f5e9 Calculate parity for data buffer f5f2 Convert buffer of GCR data into binary f691 Test command code further f698 Compare written data with data on disk f6ca Command code for find sector f6d0 Convert 4 binary bytes to 5 GCR bytes f77f GCR (5-bit) nybble table DATA f78f Convert 260 bytes to 325 bytes group code f7e6 Convert 5 GCR bytes to 4 binary bytes f8a0 Conversion table GCR to binary - high nybble ; $FF means invalid f8c0 Conversion table GCR to binary - low nybble ; $FF means invalid f8e0 Decode 69 GCR bytes f934 Convert block header to GCR code f969 Error entry disk controller f97e Turn drive motor on f98f Turn drive motor off f99c Job loop disk controller f9cb ? f9d9 ? fa05 Move head to next track fa1c Calculate number of head steps fa3b Move stepper motor short distance fa4e Load head fa63 ? fa7b Prepare fast head movement fa97 Fast head movement faa5 Prepare slow head movement fac7 Formatting fda3 Write SYNC 10240 times, erase track fdc3 Read/write ($621/$622) times fdd3 Attempt counter for formatting fde5 ? fdf5 Copy data from overflow buffer fe00 Switch to reading fe0e Write $55 10240 times fe30 Convert header in buffer 0 to GCR code fe67 Interrupt routine ;fe85 Constands for disk format fe85 Directory track DATA fe86 Start of bam DATA fe87 Length of bam per track DATA fe88 End of bam DATA fe89 Table of command words DATA ; "VIDMBUP&CRSN" ; Validate, Initialise, D(Backup unused), ; Memory, Block, User, ; Position, ∧USR execute, Copy, ; Rename, Scratch, New (Format). fe95 Low byte of command addresses DATA fea1 High byte of command addresses DATA fead Bytes for syntax check DATA feb2 File control methods "RWAM" DATA feb6 File types "DSPUL" DATA febb Names of file types DATA febb 1st letter "DSPUR" DATA fec0 2nd letter "EERSE" DATA fec5 3rd letter "LQGRL" DATA feca Error LED bit value DATA fecd Masks for bit command DATA fed1 Number of sectors per track DATA fed5 Constands for disk format DATA fed5 'A' marker for 1541 format DATA fed6 4 track ranges DATA fed7 Number of tracks DATA fed8 Tracks on which sector numbers change DATA fedb Control bytes for head postion DATA fee0 Buffer address high bytes DATA fee6 ROM checksum DATA fee7 From UI command $EB22, to reset ; Without RAM/ROM test feea Patch for diagnostic routine from $EA7A fef3 Delay loop for serial bus in 1541 mode, from $E97D fefb Patch for data output to serial bus, from $E980 ff01 U9 vector, switch 1540/1541 ff10 Patch for reset routine, from $EAA4 ff20 Patch for listen to serial bus, from $E9DC ff2f Unused EMPTY ffe6 Format [C8C6] WORD ffe8 Turn motor off [F98F] WORD ffea USER vectors ffea UA, U1 [CD5F] WORD ffec UB, U2 [CD97] WORD ffee UC, U3 [0500] WORD fff0 UD, U4 [0503] WORD fff2 UE, U5 [0506] WORD fff4 UF, U6 [0509] WORD fff6 UG, U7 [050C] WORD fff8 UH, U8 [050F] WORD fffa UI, U9 [FF01] WORD fffc Hardware vectors fffc RESET [EAA0] WORD fffe IRQ [FE67] WORD