TurboTrans - Technical Details
Data Sheet
CPU : 6502 @ ~1Mhz or 2MHz [1] (CPU from 1541)
RAM : 256kB DRAM, upgradable to 512kB
ROM : 32kB EPROM, look in the main page for images
Interfaces : parallel cable to the user port or expansion port
Extras : socket for 16kB EPROM (versions below 3.0) or 8kB SRAM
The 2x8 soldering pads next to the socket for the ribbon cable have the
following meaning:
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <- ground
o o o o o o o o
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pins 1-4
For operation with an 8kB CMOS SRAM, connect pin 1 with pin 2 and
pin 3 with pin 4. For operation with a 16kB EPROM (only if your TT
version is below 3.0!), you can select the upper and lower 8k block
with a switch connected to pins 2-4. Don't ask me how you have to
connect it, I haven't tried that yet, since I only have versions
3.0 and 3.4 where you cannot use an EPROM.
Pin 5
You can connect an NMI button here.
Note that - at least with my TTs - Roßmöller saved a few
cents/pfennigs/whatever for the necessary pull-up resistor.
Pin 6
This pin is for connecting a
reset button.
Pins 7-8
These two pins are for selecting your floppy's device address. The
two jumpers on your floppy's PCB for selecting the
device address have
no effect when your drive has been upgraded with a TT, so you have
to use pin 7 and 8 on the TT PCB instead.
pin 7 pin 8 | device address
ground ground | 8
open ground | 9
ground open | 10
open open | 11
[1] 64'er 7/86, p.45, Schnell - schneller - TurboTrans
Updated: March 23rd, 1998
Created: December 3rd, 1997
Status : Verified on December 4th, 1997
Thanks to: The Spirit for supplying a copy of the manual!
Site copyright © 1997 by Marc-Jano Knopp
This document is part of MJK's Commodore 64 & LCD Page
Brought back to life by Peter Schepers, Dec 10, 2005 because I really liked this site!